- reading the newspaper
- watching the Discovery Channel
- reading a non-fiction book
- looking through a telescope
Here are a list of things you will catch me doing:
- watching reality TV
- rapping Nicki Minaj lyrics over and over
- painting my dog's toenails
- drooling from the mouth
Needless to say, I'm not the thirstiest for knowledge.
Should I be ashamed? Probably. Am I? Nope.
But for some reason, if some information is presented in one of these newfangled "infographics" that are flying around the internet lately, I will read that shit like it's the latest issue of Us Weekly.
Take this one for example. If I saw an article on "Marketing Automation," I would pass by that faster than you can say Unisom. But the infographic? Read it top to bottom. Ok, maybe not bottom.
Here's one that actually is interesting: