Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mirror, mirror, on the wall...

It has come to my attention that there is a group of people who were put on this Earth as human mirrors.  These people feel the need to let you know everything that's going on with your outward appearance.  A lot of my students are this way.  Here's just a sampling of things that I've been told:
  • "Mmm you're breaking out right there on the side of your face!"
  • "You got a cold sore on your lip!"
  • "Miss Lee, you've got bags under your eyes!"

They say these things to me with no hatred whatsoever; they are simply telling me facts about myself, as if I hadn't actually looked in a mirror in a week or two.  I have to restrain myself from saying,
"Hey, thanks for letting me know that! I've also been 
wanting to tell you that you're ugly!"

But, for the sake of my job, I do not.  I tell myself that in their mind, they're being...helpful? Who the hell knows. The question I ask myself is, "Where do they draw the line?"

I mean, if they're pointing out my pimples, are they also going up to the guy in the wheelchair and saying,
"YO! You're missing your legs!"

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