Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gym Etiquette

If you go to the gym, you've probably seen some rules that include "no cut off t-shirts, no denim shorts, and get off the treadmill after 30 minutes if someone's waiting."  Well these are not those rules.
1. Eyes On Your Own Treadmill
I can't express how much I hate it when I'm on a treadmill and I see (out of my periph) the person next to me looking over at me and/or my treadmill.  Repeatedly.  There's no need to ever look to your side while on a treadmill.  If your work-out was actually challenging, you'd be focused on that! BOOYAH!

2. No Farting
Just because you have your headphones on and can't hear it, doesn't mean we can't smell it.

3. Assess Your Skills
If you are deaf and blind, a cardio dance class is probably not for you.  However, I still run into these people often.  And I do mean RUN INTO THEM because they're spinning left when everyone else is spinning right.

4. Cardio Machines Are Not Urinals
I've been told by those of the male race that there's a certain procedure when it comes to picking a urinal.  See below:
For some reason, people do THIS SAME THING with the cardio machines.  They will walk all the way down the aisle looking for a treadmill which is not directly beside a treadmill in use.  I do not know why.  It makes me feel uncomfortable.

5. Conversations Should Involve Clothing
Please make sure that you are fully dressed before engaging in a conversation with a stranger in the locker room.  Or at least underwear.  Please? 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I've always been a fan of people who appear to have no spatial awareness whatsoever. The people that you see in public places, usually crowded public places, that just have that look on their face like "I have no idea how I got here."  Kinda like this:
I've been running into a lot of these people lately. When I say running into, I literally mean smashing my car into their bodies.  Not really, but one can hope.  I just don't understand how you can have no concept of what's going on around you. 

Can we come up with a way to weed these people out?