Monday, January 9, 2012

Dear Woman Driving With a Cocker Spaniel On Your Dashboard,

*I think the title of this post is enough, but I'm going to go ahead and elaborate.

Dear Woman Driving With a Cocker Spaniel On Your Dashboard,

As I was driving today I saw you on the road.  I glanced over and noticed what I thought to be a large stuffed animal on your dashboard in front of your steering wheel and thought "Well that's a dumb place to put that, it blocks half the windshield!"  Before I could finish my Condescending Thought #1Condescending Thoughts #2, #3, and #4 came rushing through my brain when the large stuffed animal started MOVING!  Who in their RIGHT MIND would let their at least 30 pound dog lay on the dashboard of their car.  In front of the driver's seat.  First of all, it was blocking at least a third of your view out of your windshield. STUPID. Secondly, if you happened to run into anything, that dog would be on a first-class trip to NO-NO LAND and you would be left picking glass and blonde fur out of your eyes.

Whatever happened to some old McDonald's napkins?



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