Thursday, February 17, 2011


First off, I would like to thank my wonderful friend Sarah for introducing me to the correct term for these types of people. If you don't know what it is, well...that's why you're reading this post. DUH.

We all have a VagueBooker or 2(000) on our Facebook friends list.  As you scroll through your news feed you can't help but to NOT FEEL SORRY FOR THEM ONE STINKING BIT.

You know the status: "Feeling so lost right now. What do I do?"

Or, if they're a real VagueBooking pro: "My world just came crashing down. I can't believe this happened.  Especially after everything that happened last month!"

Now you, reader, might be thinking to yourself,  "This girl's a real bitch!"

You're right.

But even the non-bitchiest of people should be able to see that these VagueBookers aren't really hurting that bad!  If they were seriously in pain and sorrow, they wouldn't be posting it on Facebook. They'd be crying into one of the following:

  • beer
  • gallon of ice cream
  • microphone at a karaoke bar

They're looking for attention!  DON'T GIVE IN.  The best Vaguebooking statuses are the ones that have ZERO COMMENTS and were posted THREE DAYS AGO.  We call this negative reinforcement.

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