Thursday, June 23, 2011

3 Musicians You May or May Not Know pt. 1

You know those people who, when you mention any semi-obscure band or musician, they're like this:
"Oh, The Blue Orphanage Club? Oh, yeah, I totally knew them when they were playing gigs at like, Starbucks and gas stations.  In fact, I actually helped them write their first song.  But, ya know, I don't really like them anymore.  They're too mainstream now..."
 This is not going to be like that.  These are just some musicians that I really like, that you may or may not know!  Also, I'd like to point out that this is not a RANT but indeed it is a RAVE.

I'm not always bitching, you know.

A Fine Frenzy

Some of their songs are happy.  Some are sad.  All are good.  Such as this one:

Amos Lee

Listening to Amos Lee makes me feel like I'm sitting in a giant bowl of melting caramel.  If you'd like to feel like that also, click below.


Lots of great piano playing and lyrics that will make you say "WAIT, how'd they get in my brain?!"

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