Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bedtime Blunders

Here's the scene:

You've just laid down to go to sleep.  You toss and turn a little bit until you find the perfect position.  Your pillow's just right, your body's relaxed, and you lay there waiting for that beautiful wave of sleep to come over you.

THEN, you feel this sudden compulsion to switch to laying on your side. 5 minutes ago, laying on your back was the best thing that's happened to you since adding the bigger hard drive to your DVR, and now all you can think about is laying on your side.  You think "no, I'll be fine here on my back."  But the seconds tick by and dancing through your head like sugarplum fairies are visions of you, on your side, drooling peacefully to sleep.

SO, you switch to your side.  Ahhhh....much better.  What were you thinking laying on your back, anyway?  As you stick one leg outside the blanket, you begin to drift off to sleep..

STOMACH!! There's nothing you want more than to lay on your stomach.  Suddenly, you're like a crack addict looking for their next fix.  And that fix is you sprawled out over your bed with your face jammed in the pillow.  Screw it, you flip over, and you're at peace again..for now.

Does this happen to anybody else? If not, I might have some weird strain of OCD (wouldn't be the first)...
Disclaimer: Those are not my child-aged feet.


  1. HA! Brilliant!
    I don't know how you don't have thousands of followers!!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. wow, what a perfect description

  3. also, if you did that to the crayons, you do have an unusual strain of OCD. How can you let that slightly orange one sit in between the 2 yellow ones like that? It's driving me nuts

  4. ok, thought it was just me... I got through this nightly. I want so bad to sleep on my stomach but I know I will wake up with back pain, if I do! I can remember a time, when I didn't go through all the positions, nightly.......
