Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Next Twilight?

When I write my blog, I imagine that I feel kind of like what Stephenie Meyer (author of the Twilight series) felt like back in...oh, about 2004.  Here she has these crazy-ass ideas about a love triangle between a human, a vampire, and a werewolf.  As she's writing she's probably like "I have NO idea who would want to read this, but it seems like a pretty good use of my time."

She keeps writing, and writing, and writing.  Throws in a vampire army, maybe a dash of baby vampire spawn.  When she's done she's got 3000 pages of pure crap, but she's like "Eh, I might as well throw it out there."

And guess what?  Everybody and their mothers liked it.

So here I am, waiting for my blog to explode in 116 countries worldwide and be translated into 38 different languages.  Or at least for some emo chick to play me in a movie.

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