Monday, August 22, 2011


Do you know what a CAPTCHA is? It's that crazy combination of letters and numbers that the WORLD WIDE WEB sometimes makes you write before you post things to ensure that you're not a robot.  It's very HIGH-TECHTUAL.

Every now and then a CAPTCHA will randomly come up with things like this:
which is kind of funny.  But most of the time, CAPTCHA's will ask you to write some shit that looks like this:
Every single time I get a CAPTCHA, I'm unsure about at least 85% of the characters that I'm typing.  But here's the crazy thing: I NEVER GET THEM WRONG.

Are CAPTCHA'S real? Is it impossible to fail them, or am I just amazingly adept at reading letters that have been scattered, smothered, covered, and chunked?

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