Friday, May 27, 2011

Budget Cuts

If you know me, or read my blog regularly, you've probably picked up by now that I'm a teacher.  If you're a little slow, you may have assumed that I was a bail bondsman, and that's OK too.

We all know that schools are always getting the shit end of the stick when it comes to money.  It only makes sense since we're housing and educating the future of America.  Because of these budget cuts, there are some things that I've just gotten accustomed to around here.

For example, our faculty restrooms have been out of soap for about 4 months.  This is especially fun when I'm helping a 6th grader adjust their spit valve and it empties all over my hands.

As if we needed another problem with our hygiene practices, the restrooms ran out of paper towels about 2 months ago.  Just to catch you up, at this point "washing my hands" involves rinsing them under water and then shaking them like a polaroid picture.

I didn't think it could get any worse.  I really didn't.  But then I go to wash my hands yesterday and....


I turned on the sink and...nothing comes out.  It's like the end of a bad joke.  "You know you're poor when..."

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