Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tits or Zits

So after walking around all day with a pimple that is currently competing for the title of "chin," I've noticed a lot of people staring at it.  Like, while I'm in a conversation with them.  Like, not making eye contact whatsoever.  It reminded me of how all some guys prefer to stare at a girl's boobs while they talk to them.  Then I wondered...
"Which is worse? Zits or tits?!"
Would I rather someone stare at my puss-filled volcano, or my dairy pillows?  My oily McNugget, or my shirt puppies?  My cystic missile launcher, or my  nose warmers?
What do you think?

While you're mulling it over, check out this video (I'll give you a hint; it's zits, not tits.)

1 comment:

  1. Okay, seriously, that was one of the top most disgusting things I have EVER seen. I'm 34 so that's no mean feat. Sick, sick, sick. I'm completely nauseous.
