Sunday, April 10, 2011


I have had a cold for the past couple of days.  It sucks.  But it just hit me that I have a blog where I bitch about things!  So, in addition to instead of sending out a mass text to my friends that includes a list of all my symptoms, I'm going to complain RIGHT HERE! YAY!  Here we go.
  1. Sleeping.  Sleeping is really all I want to do when I'm sick.  I like to believe that when I wake up, I will magically be rid of all my diseases.  HOWEVER, it's not that easy when you're playing a balancing act with the snot in your nose.  I lay on my left side, everything drains into my left nostril.  I lay on my right side, it goes to the right nostril.  I lay on my back, and it's 50/50.  NO GLASS HALF FULL HERE!  I guess if I lay on my stomach, it will all drain out and I'll drown in my own mucus.  That seems like a good option at this point.
  2. Speaking.  Along with a congested nose, I also have a cough and a sore throat.  This combination provides me with a voice that sounds somewhat like THIS.  It creates a problem when calling into work or calling your friends to beg them to feel sorry for you ask them about their day.
That's really it.  When I sat down to write this I felt like my list was going to be a little longer than two....hmm, maybe I don't have as many problems as I thought!


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