Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bumper Stickers pt.1

Bumper stickers say a lot about you.  When you're driving in your car, it's really the only way passing strangers can gain insight to your life.  For this reason, I love to look at a car's bumper sticker collection and decide exactly what kind of person is driving.  90% of these people are idiots (of course).

My first species is the "I'm Going To Display All Members Of My Family Via Bumpersticker" species. I know you've seen them.  They're EVERYWHERE.  It started off as this:

Then people started getting super creative and coming up with things like this:
What should I interpret from this?  That you're a family of feet?  Oh and here's one I saw recently:
Does this mean your entire family has died?  That's pretty sad.  Who's driving? The Crypt Keeper?

I really don't understand the purpose of these.  If anything, this car is sitting in your driveway and telling that serial killer who just climbed through your window exactly how many skin-suits he can make.

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