Friday, December 2, 2011

Advertisement of the Year

Ran across this little gem on the interwebs today:
I love that they chose this image, which looks like a still-shot from a Ke$ha video.  "Become a psychologist angsty teens who wear too much eye make-up?"

Furthermore, the last time I checked, a psychology degree took more than a year and a half to obtain.  But I guess when you go to the prestigious "Psychology College," the process is a little quicker.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gym Etiquette

If you go to the gym, you've probably seen some rules that include "no cut off t-shirts, no denim shorts, and get off the treadmill after 30 minutes if someone's waiting."  Well these are not those rules.
1. Eyes On Your Own Treadmill
I can't express how much I hate it when I'm on a treadmill and I see (out of my periph) the person next to me looking over at me and/or my treadmill.  Repeatedly.  There's no need to ever look to your side while on a treadmill.  If your work-out was actually challenging, you'd be focused on that! BOOYAH!

2. No Farting
Just because you have your headphones on and can't hear it, doesn't mean we can't smell it.

3. Assess Your Skills
If you are deaf and blind, a cardio dance class is probably not for you.  However, I still run into these people often.  And I do mean RUN INTO THEM because they're spinning left when everyone else is spinning right.

4. Cardio Machines Are Not Urinals
I've been told by those of the male race that there's a certain procedure when it comes to picking a urinal.  See below:
For some reason, people do THIS SAME THING with the cardio machines.  They will walk all the way down the aisle looking for a treadmill which is not directly beside a treadmill in use.  I do not know why.  It makes me feel uncomfortable.

5. Conversations Should Involve Clothing
Please make sure that you are fully dressed before engaging in a conversation with a stranger in the locker room.  Or at least underwear.  Please? 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I've always been a fan of people who appear to have no spatial awareness whatsoever. The people that you see in public places, usually crowded public places, that just have that look on their face like "I have no idea how I got here."  Kinda like this:
I've been running into a lot of these people lately. When I say running into, I literally mean smashing my car into their bodies.  Not really, but one can hope.  I just don't understand how you can have no concept of what's going on around you. 

Can we come up with a way to weed these people out?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Infograph Me

Here's a list of things you'll never catch me doing:
  • reading the newspaper
  • watching the Discovery Channel
  • reading a non-fiction book
  • looking through a telescope
Here are a list of things you will catch me doing:
  • watching reality TV
  • rapping Nicki Minaj lyrics over and over
  • painting my dog's toenails
  • drooling from the mouth

Needless to say, I'm not the thirstiest for knowledge.
Should I be ashamed? Probably. Am I? Nope.

But for some reason, if some information is presented in one of these newfangled "infographics" that are flying around the internet lately, I will read that shit like it's the latest issue of Us Weekly.
Take this one for example.  If I saw an article on "Marketing Automation," I would pass by that faster than you can say Unisom.  But the infographic? Read it top to bottom.  Ok, maybe not bottom. 

Here's one that actually is interesting:

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dear Rich Guy

Dear Rich Guy,
    I'm sure it sounded like a pretty good idea to park your expensive sports car at CVS like this:

However, while lowering the chances of someone opening their car door into yours, you're also increasing the chances of someone taking a baseball bat to your windshield for being an asshole.


P.S. Thanks to, you can print out these handy-dandy tickets and put them on people's windshields!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

True Beauty

I can't stand it when people post pictures online with a caption that says something about how horrible they look in that picture.
Bitch, please.
If you really thought you looked like shit, you would not be posting it on Facebook or Twitter or or whatever other site you're tooling around on.

Take this picture, for example, from Real Housewife of OC Gretchen Rossi's Twitter:
Caption: Just finished my last hosting gig and in car on way home! Don't I look tired :)

No, actually, you look like a team of angels flew down and buffed your face with diamond dust and then drew on your eyebrows with gold flakes they sifted out of the rivers of Heaven.

If you're going to post a picture with a caption saying you look horrible, please make sure you look horrible. Like Katy Perry:
Also please make sure you're making a face that says "I'm trying really hard to pass this kidney stone."

Sunday, September 18, 2011

No Punny Title, Just Really Bad Customer Service.

Yesterday, I went to a deli-type restaurant to eat lunch.  It is a chain restaurant, and I have been to some other locations but never the one where I live.  I've always loved the food and the people that work there.


My friend and I walk in, and the girl that's supposed to be taking our order is sitting at the counter reading a trashy romance novel.  We grab some menus and start looking through them.  My friend orders the chicken salad sandwich, and Miss Literary Junkie informs her that they are out of chicken salad.  Alright, no big deal, she orders something else.  I order a sandwich, and then decide I want some soup.  There's a sign that says "Soups of the Day," and I ask if those are the only soups they have today.
"Oh, we don't have either of those soups."
Hm.  That's odd that your sign states otherwise.
"Alright then," I say, "What soup do you have?"
She points to a giant pot of soup on the stove and says,
 "Just that one."
Given that I don't have x-ray vision and the pot is made of stainless steel, I go ahead and ask what kind of soup "that one" is.
"I don't know," she says.
I pause for a second, waiting for her to go ask somebody or at least go open the lid...BUT NOPE! She just sat there.  I'm guessing the shock on my face led her to follow up with this explanation:
"It's just like...soup.  Like, vegetable or broth or whatever."


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Reader Rants Vol. 1

Lately, some of my friends have been coming to me with their own problems with the human race and asking me to blog about them.  Since I'll never turn down an opportunity to bitch about something, I gladly obliged.

Brittany C. from Charleston, SC would like to ask her fellow shoppers to please give her some personal space when it comes to standing in line at the cash registers.  Or anywhere else, if I had to guess.  I hate these people too, Brittany.  Moving closer to me is actually not speeding up this transaction, so please stay back.  If I can smell your breath and you can see my PIN, you're too close.

Sarah B. from Mt. Pleasant, SC is tired of letting YOU out in front of her in traffic and receiving no signal of gratitude back.  Not even a wave? A nod? I bet you'd have some certain signals if instead she rammed into the side of your car.

Jessie T. from Charleston, SC wonders what sort of idiot drives around with their turn signal on while they're clearly going straight down a road.  Did they consider turning, but then forget?  How do you not hear that obnoxious clicking?

Have a rant? Or a rave? (But preferably a rant.) Let me know!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

At the Tone, Please Record Your Message

Your phone's ringing in another room.  You race around to find it (I'll admit, it's almost impossible to find anything in my giant mansion apartment), but by the time you do, it's too late.  They didn't leave a voicemail, so you dial them right back.


NO ANSWER!  What did they do?  Hang up and then immediately run away?  Drop the phone and then book it for the nearest train station?  You ignoring their phone call was the last straw and now they're standing on a bridge somewhere taking off their shoes? 


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Dear Man at Bi-Lo

Dear Man at Bi-Lo,
     I notice that you're walking around the grocery store using a tooth flosser.
A couple of things run through my mind.  Do you realize that this is a store where people are buying food?  A store where there is an entire section of fruits and vegetables laying helpless and uncovered as you flick your decay all over them?  You are worse than people who sneeze in the buffet line.  Is your schedule really that tight that you have to combine your grocery shopping with your dental hygiene routine? 

That's it.  If you need me, I'll be putting on a surgical mask over in Aisle 9.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Dear Weak-Armed Neighbors

Dear Weak-Armed Neighbors,
     I've noticed lately that no one but me can seem to heave my trash bags into the dumpster.  Tonight as I took over a plastic bag full of my dog's crap, I saw a whole bunch of garbage stacked and scattered around.  I thought to myself "UH OH, the dumpster's probably full! Whatever will I do with this bag of shit?!"  But I took a little peeksy inside just to make sure and...EMPTY!

     So, dear neighbors, the only reason I can come up with for you to set your trash mere inches away from the container that it's supposed to go in is lack of upper body strength.  I suggest you invest in P90X or maybe just start lifting yourself off of the couch.


Note: This is not the same as this.  These are real people, and I plan on sending them this letter. Just kidding. But seriously.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Life's Little Mysteries

If you're like me, you see people doing stupid things and you try to figure out why they probably think that's a good idea.  For example, when I see girls wearing leggings as pants, I assume that they think that thin, stretchy fabric is flattering to their sagging asses...
Yowch.  But sometimes, people do such idiotic things that I can't even come up with a way to justify them.  For example, tonight at the gym, I was on a treadmill behind a row of stationary bikes.  There was a woman and a man on two bikes next to each other.  Both of them had the televisions on their bikes on and tuned to two different channels.  The entire 40 minutes I was on the treadmill, I watched the woman on the bike as she pedaled her little heart out and stared at the man's TV screen next to her.  Her TV was not broken. Why didn't she change her channel to the channel he was watching if it was so damn interesting?!


Monday, August 22, 2011


Do you know what a CAPTCHA is? It's that crazy combination of letters and numbers that the WORLD WIDE WEB sometimes makes you write before you post things to ensure that you're not a robot.  It's very HIGH-TECHTUAL.

Every now and then a CAPTCHA will randomly come up with things like this:
which is kind of funny.  But most of the time, CAPTCHA's will ask you to write some shit that looks like this:
Every single time I get a CAPTCHA, I'm unsure about at least 85% of the characters that I'm typing.  But here's the crazy thing: I NEVER GET THEM WRONG.

Are CAPTCHA'S real? Is it impossible to fail them, or am I just amazingly adept at reading letters that have been scattered, smothered, covered, and chunked?

Friday, August 19, 2011

I'm the Kind of Girl That..

If you're ever on Facebook or Twitter or Blogspot or Tumblr or Myspace (really?) or Pinterest or ANY sort of social networking site, you've probably seen little quotes or graphics that start off with:
"I'm the type of girl that..."
And ends in some statement that we all know is probably the farthest from the truth, but she has posted it on her profile to seem cute and different!

Anyway, I've taken the time to translate a few of these for you. Enjoy.

"I have horrible grammar and I love Taylor Swift."
"I have one friend that I met in a chat room."
"My favorite band is Paramore and my Mom still packs my lunch everyday."
"I've read all of the Twilight books twice."

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My New Favorite Response To...Anything.

Keeping with the reality TV theme, "The Bachelor Pad" has provided me (and you!) with the perfect response to anyone/thing:

Monday, July 25, 2011

A Sad Fact

I will be scrolling through my Facebook mini-feed and see someone's really amazing announcement, such as:
  • Today's my wedding day, YAY!
  • I just had a baby, YAY!
  • I just finished crocheting my dog and I matching sweaters, YAY!
But I will forego "liking" or commenting on it, for the sole reason of not getting 23758972359 notifications from other people doing the same.

Like, for real? I'm holding back congratulatory words because I don't want my phone to keep beeping?  Every time my phone goes off, I get excited about the possibility of someone contacting me, and then it just turns out to be someone I don't know saying things I don't care about.

These are real problems, America.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Think Before You Ink

Nothing says, "I'm cooler than you," like a tattoo.  Except for these:

I thought the only people who liked knitting this much were 85 and bed ridden.  Hmm.

I might be a little biased because I don't like Harry Potter, but...seriously?  In 20 years when she's using her seven Harry Potter books as door stops, she's going to regret this.

This might be cool....or it might look like she's eternally painting her living room.

Going for that sexy look? Try Peter Cottontail peeking out of your shorts!  
It's sure to bring the boys to the yard.

Drive everyone away with a sweet "raccoon in a blue suit" tattoo!

velociraptor? On your lip? I can't even think of a witty comment.

Friday, July 15, 2011

What In The...??

Alright.  First of all, a big thanks to Eddie Scarry for showing me this video.

Now, I'm going to let you watch the video before I even say anything.

Ok.  There are some things I'd like to discuss further:

0:59 - What is with this mouth she's making in all the pictures?
1:24 - Pop singer? Singer?...Singer?
1:28 - She's not 16.
1:30 - Whose birth certificate is printed in this Comic Sans-wannabe font?
1:58 - nothing he says is funny, yet she continues to laugh
2:36 - is it really shocking that parents that would let their 16-year old daughter pose naked and wrapped in an America flag have any problems with her marrying a 51-year old?
3:44 - LIE
3:58 - By "old soul," she literally means that there is a 75-year old retired prostitute under all of that frosted lipstick
4:49-4:56 - If you go back and look at only ONE THING from this video, make it these 7 seconds where she's eyeing him like an unlimited buffet of Swedish meatballs
5:06 - God's a plastic surgeon, too?! Busy man.
5:10 - An arm band? Really?
5:40 - She's not 16.
6:05 - My DVR is set already.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bedtime Blunders

Here's the scene:

You've just laid down to go to sleep.  You toss and turn a little bit until you find the perfect position.  Your pillow's just right, your body's relaxed, and you lay there waiting for that beautiful wave of sleep to come over you.

THEN, you feel this sudden compulsion to switch to laying on your side. 5 minutes ago, laying on your back was the best thing that's happened to you since adding the bigger hard drive to your DVR, and now all you can think about is laying on your side.  You think "no, I'll be fine here on my back."  But the seconds tick by and dancing through your head like sugarplum fairies are visions of you, on your side, drooling peacefully to sleep.

SO, you switch to your side.  Ahhhh....much better.  What were you thinking laying on your back, anyway?  As you stick one leg outside the blanket, you begin to drift off to sleep..

STOMACH!! There's nothing you want more than to lay on your stomach.  Suddenly, you're like a crack addict looking for their next fix.  And that fix is you sprawled out over your bed with your face jammed in the pillow.  Screw it, you flip over, and you're at peace again..for now.

Does this happen to anybody else? If not, I might have some weird strain of OCD (wouldn't be the first)...
Disclaimer: Those are not my child-aged feet.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Make Love To the Earth

Unless you're looking to recreate a scene from I Am Legend, taking care of our sweet Mother Earth should be something you're interested in doing.  However, if you're like most selfish bastards, you want to get something out of it as well.  Lucky for you, I've created a list of little things that make a big difference (to the Earth and to your wallet):

1)Bring your own bags

Re-usable bags have become somewhat of a trend lately.  They make them in all sorts of designs and colors. Check out these awesome ones:

Pick up about 4 or 5 and you're probably set for any shopping trip you make.  Here's where you can save a little cha-ching:
  • Most grocery stores now give you 5 cents for every bag you bring of your own.  That's right, Einstein, you've saved a quarter!
  • If you're a drugstore whore like myself, grab a CVS Green Bag Tag.  Strap it around one of your bags and make sure the cashier scans it every time you check out.  Every 4 scans, you get a dollar back.

2)Buy from companies that love the Earth, too

Look for brands that use recycled materials in their packaging.  Find cleaning products that are phosphate and chlorine free. OH LOOK! I already found one for you! They're called Seventh Generation, and they're amazing. Check out this FACTOID:
If every household in the US replaced just one 6-pack of 140-sheet virgin paper towels with our 100% recycled product we could save:
over 2,200,000 treesover 780 million gallons of water, a year's supply for over 6,000 families of four, and 5.7 million cubic feet of landfill space, equal to over 8,400 full garbage trucks.
Wowza. Here's where the moneymaking comes in: their website is always PACKED with coupons.  On top of that, they have a rewards program where you enter codes from their products and earn points to get COOL STUFF.  Who doesn't love COOL STUFF?

3)Bring your own cup

You're already lugging around 5 tote bags, you might as well throw a coffee thermos in there, too.  Did you know that if you bring your own cup to Starbucks, they'll take 10 cents off the price of your drink?  That means you'll only be paying $10.78! (Justkiddingilovestarbucks)

4)Recycle your electronics

Do you get a new phone every time you're due for an upgrade?  Was the iPad just not good enough for you, so you went ahead and got the iPad 2?  If you answered yes to that one, please X out of my blog right now because I don't want to look at you anymore.

Anywho, all these old electronics are just taking up space in your junk drawer, am I right?  There's a great place that will take your old technology (even ones that don't work anymore) and recycle them.  Just go to, tell them what you have, and they'll give you a price.  They even pay you to ship it to them! And sometimes, they even give you a BOX to put it in! WOAH!

5)Knowledge is power

Recyclebank is a great website that's all about teaching you ways to do your part for the environment.  If all you read just now sounded like "blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah" in your head, just wait.  You can also earn points for doing all SORTS of things, like watching videos about recycling, or entering codes from stuff you already buy like Ziploc bags and Kashi cereal.  You can redeem these points for all sorts of cool stuff, like magazines and gift cards! Best of all, it's free to join.  Yeah, that's right, FREE!

There you have it.  Helping the Earth, and saving some money towards buying that giant Land Rover you've always wanted.  Just kidding, don't do that.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Next Twilight?

When I write my blog, I imagine that I feel kind of like what Stephenie Meyer (author of the Twilight series) felt like back in...oh, about 2004.  Here she has these crazy-ass ideas about a love triangle between a human, a vampire, and a werewolf.  As she's writing she's probably like "I have NO idea who would want to read this, but it seems like a pretty good use of my time."

She keeps writing, and writing, and writing.  Throws in a vampire army, maybe a dash of baby vampire spawn.  When she's done she's got 3000 pages of pure crap, but she's like "Eh, I might as well throw it out there."

And guess what?  Everybody and their mothers liked it.

So here I am, waiting for my blog to explode in 116 countries worldwide and be translated into 38 different languages.  Or at least for some emo chick to play me in a movie.

Monday, July 4, 2011

An Independence Day Drinking Game

Happy Fourth!  If you've already tired of hamburgers, hot dogs, and accidentally blowing yourself up, I've created a fun game you can play alone or with others!

Log onto Facebook and start scrolling through your mini-feed.  Take one shot for every time someone posts lyrics from and/or video of Katy Perry's song "Firework."  Continue until you pass out.

Because nothing says "America" like sparklers shooting out of your boobs.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Hairy Situation

Let's get straight to the point.  I have a pretty thick head of hair.  When I say thick, I mean THICK.  I've even heard the question, "You sure you ain't got some black in you?" to which I reply "Only on Friday nights."


Anyways, I just got out of the shower and I felt compelled to share this with all of you:
That, ladies and gentlemen, is the wall of my shower.  I paste it with all the hair that falls out of my head while I'm washing it.  If I let it go down the drain, I think you can imagine what would happen. If you have no imagination, let me help you: (CLICK HERE!)


This really starts leading to problems when I'm staying at someone else's place.  It gets kind of awkward when I'm leaving and they're like "Oh hey, wait! You left your baby yak in my bathroom!"  and then I'm like ", that's just one thousand strands of my hair."

It also leaves me very vulnerable to people cloning me.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

3 Musicians You May or May Not Know pt. 1

You know those people who, when you mention any semi-obscure band or musician, they're like this:
"Oh, The Blue Orphanage Club? Oh, yeah, I totally knew them when they were playing gigs at like, Starbucks and gas stations.  In fact, I actually helped them write their first song.  But, ya know, I don't really like them anymore.  They're too mainstream now..."
 This is not going to be like that.  These are just some musicians that I really like, that you may or may not know!  Also, I'd like to point out that this is not a RANT but indeed it is a RAVE.

I'm not always bitching, you know.

A Fine Frenzy

Some of their songs are happy.  Some are sad.  All are good.  Such as this one:

Amos Lee

Listening to Amos Lee makes me feel like I'm sitting in a giant bowl of melting caramel.  If you'd like to feel like that also, click below.


Lots of great piano playing and lyrics that will make you say "WAIT, how'd they get in my brain?!"

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


If you've ever heard of the "internet," you've probably heard of Google. If not, please step away from this magic box and go back to making your own candles.

Google is getting smarter and smarter.  Kind of like gorillas. First they just helped find what you were looking for, and now they tell you what you're looking for before you even realize what you need.

If you're like me, you've probably searched for some pretty embarrassing things:


As you may know, these searches are saved in your browser, just waiting for one of your friends to come along and see when they start typing in the search box.  As you also may know, when you start searching for something on Google, it automatically completes it with popular searches from THE WHOLE WIDE SPINNING WORLD.

This fact alone can leave you entertained for hours.  Just typing in a single letter such as "C" delivered me the popular search "cool math games."  But then, as you delve deeper, you really strike gold:

People have been going online to find solutions for their medical problems for a while...but I think vampirism is probably something you should ask your maker doctor about.

The world's #1 personal question? Green poop.

This is such a fun hobby that I think you should try it too!  Leave a comment with your best searches!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Top 3 Songs to Sing While Driving

Is this a rave? A rant? You decide.

Note: This list coincidentally can double as "Top 3 Songs To Never Sing at Karaoke"

3)Nothing Compares 2 U - Sinead O' Connor

As a general rule, anything that will make you cry like you just saw a school bus fly off the side of a cliff is the perfect song to sing while you're driving.  Why?  Because (singing + driving + crying) not only guarantees you an ugly death, but it also allows you to feel like you're in a movie - and who doesn't want that?!

2)Move - Ludacris

This one probably doesn't need an explanation.  If you have road rage like I do, you need an anthem to sing while you're reaching for that mace under your backseat.

1)What's Up - 4 Non Blondes

This song has it all.  The range is from the very last note on the piano to the very highest note Mariah Carey's twins can squeal when they want a bottle.  The lyrics don't make a bit of sense.  There's even a slight tinge of yodeling.  Add it all up, and you've got the perfect song to sing while driving.  Enjoy, and remember - roll your windows up.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Budget Cuts

If you know me, or read my blog regularly, you've probably picked up by now that I'm a teacher.  If you're a little slow, you may have assumed that I was a bail bondsman, and that's OK too.

We all know that schools are always getting the shit end of the stick when it comes to money.  It only makes sense since we're housing and educating the future of America.  Because of these budget cuts, there are some things that I've just gotten accustomed to around here.

For example, our faculty restrooms have been out of soap for about 4 months.  This is especially fun when I'm helping a 6th grader adjust their spit valve and it empties all over my hands.

As if we needed another problem with our hygiene practices, the restrooms ran out of paper towels about 2 months ago.  Just to catch you up, at this point "washing my hands" involves rinsing them under water and then shaking them like a polaroid picture.

I didn't think it could get any worse.  I really didn't.  But then I go to wash my hands yesterday and....


I turned on the sink and...nothing comes out.  It's like the end of a bad joke.  "You know you're poor when..."

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tits or Zits

So after walking around all day with a pimple that is currently competing for the title of "chin," I've noticed a lot of people staring at it.  Like, while I'm in a conversation with them.  Like, not making eye contact whatsoever.  It reminded me of how all some guys prefer to stare at a girl's boobs while they talk to them.  Then I wondered...
"Which is worse? Zits or tits?!"
Would I rather someone stare at my puss-filled volcano, or my dairy pillows?  My oily McNugget, or my shirt puppies?  My cystic missile launcher, or my  nose warmers?
What do you think?

While you're mulling it over, check out this video (I'll give you a hint; it's zits, not tits.)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Anybody else find it hard to trust people who wear Transitions lenses?
Maybe it has something to do with being too lazy to switch to sunglasses.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


If you follow my blog (and who doesn't, really?!), then you know that some of the people in my workplace enjoy telling me on a weekly basis how unattractive I am.  Or at least that's what it feels like.  Recently, however, I've received a few comments that only SLIGHTLY make me feel like tying cinder blocks to my feet and jumping in the pool in my apartment complex.

"Look at your legs, you've got black girl legs!"

Now, does she mean these black girl legs,

or these black girl legs?

It's hard to tell.

"I like your hair today, it's so puffy!"

This started out positive, but then took an uuuuugly turn.  Don't ever, ever, EVER, call a girl's hair puffy. I don't spend $900 a year on every antifrizzglosstamingshine spray so that I can come to work and get told that I look like carrot top.

Like Thumper always says:

Monday, May 9, 2011


Have you ever been to ?  If not, go now.  I don't even care if you leave my blog (however it will conveniently open in a new window).  Anyways, it's hilarious.  People send in ridiculous things they've overheard in NYC.  And you know they got some crazies:

Starting today, I will share with you things I've heard in my almost-as-exciting town.  My first jewel was overheard at, none other than, THE WAL-MART:

20-something girl on phone to most likely 20-something friend: "I ordered the BLT and didn't even know what it stood for before I got it and ate it!  I know!  Do you know what it stands for?"

...and so on and so forth.  I actually followed this girl for like 30 seconds to see how it would all pan out, and turns out she never got around to actually saying "Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato."  Also, why would you order something that could possibly stand for "Blue Lion Testicles" ?

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Do UPS and FedEx delivery men really think they're hiding something when they put your package under your doormat?
(for security and paparazzi purposes this is not my doormat)

I mean....really.  If there are actual criminals running through apartment buildings with the sole purpose of stealing peoples' packages, are they going to look at this and think "Wonder why that box is holding up their doormat?"

Wednesday, April 20, 2011



I understand people that drive at the speed limit.  It's the law.  I get that.  I don't have a problem with them.  Personally, I only ever drive about 5 over, just to be on the safe side.


What's the point?  Really, what is the reason for driving slower than you have to?  I just came up with some acceptable scenarios in my head:
  1. You're looking for somewhere you've never been.

And now since we have a little thing called GPS, even that shouldn't be an excuse!

Here are some unacceptable scenarios:
  1. You're attempting to text and drive.
  2. You're attempting to pick your nose and drive.
  3. You're attempting to eat that foot long sub and drive.
  4. You just don't have anything better to do so MIGHT AS WELL drive 20 in a 45!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Here's a new game: Look on Facebook or on any trending Twitter topic to see how many people reference their "haters" (often "haterz"). That's the end of the game. Now let's talk about these people.

First, here's's definition of a "hater:"

Hater- A person that simply cannot be happy for another person's success. So rather than be happy they make a point of exposing a flaw in that person.

So, a key part of having haters is to be successful. But a lot of people miss that part. They seem to think the definition works in the inverse as well: Have haters and you'll be successful.

But that's actually NOT the way it works.

Here is a list of things you must have to actually have haters:

  1. Money
  2. More money
  3. A full time job (see also 1 and 2)
  4. Friends that actually like you
  5. Probably a full-time staff
  6. A degree of fame that amounts to no less than Antoine Dodson's 

Using this criteria, here are examples of people that have haters:
Now, here are some pictures of you, the people that don't have haters but think that if you pretend you do, it must mean you're successful:

See how that works? Presidents and internet sensations have haters. Fast food workers and Facebook idiots don't.

-Eddie Scarry, guest blogger
author of Red Line Items